

Call for Membership Vote

Proposed changes to the document below are being presented for consideration and a vote by the ACCET membership. Within Document 1 – The Accreditation Process, there are proposed modifications to the “Eligibility” section on page 4 which require approval by the membership. Currently, the list of eligibility requirements identifies that institutions must meet applicable state licensing requirements. Consistent with ACCET’s longstanding policy, proposed is a change to explicitly state that institutions must also “meet applicable federal requirements, such as those of the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Homeland Security (SEVP)”.

After your review of the document, please go to the Membership Voting Form and submit your vote on the proposed changes. At the August 2012 meeting, the Commission will review the vote of the membership. If you have questions or need to talk to someone, please contact Judy Hendrickson by email at or by phone at 202 955-1113 extension 101.

Membership Voting Form