
August 2011

Nominating Committee Report

On August 1, 2011, the Nominating Committee conducted its review of two candidates for the two full-term Institutional Commissioner positions that will become open following the Annual Business Meeting this fall. Following its review of resumes for Mr. Res Helfer and Ms. Peggy Tiderman, in conjunction with subsequent interviews with each of the candidates via teleconference, the Nominating Committee recommends both of them to the membership for election at the ACCET Business Meeting on Wednesday, October 26, 2011, the opening day of the annual conference at the Westin La Paloma in Tucson, Arizona.

  • Res Helfer, Owner/Director, Brandon College, San Francisco, California
  • Peggy Tiderman, Executive Director, DCI Career Institute, Monaca, Pennsylvania

  • Member institutions of ACCET may submit additional nominations provided that such submission has the written support of ten percent (23) of the current ACCET accredited member (main campus) institutions. All such nominations and the required written support must be received in the ACCET office at 1722 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, no later than September 21, 2011. If there are additional nominees, a written notification of the entire, amended slate will be emailed to each accredited member institution by September 26, 2011.

    Download and complete the Proxy/Ballot form. The form can be forwarded to the ACCET office in hard copy or electronically. We sincerely hope that you will be in attendance at the upcoming Annual Conference, including the Business Meeting, so as to be actively attuned to and engaged in this important process for ensuring the continuation of sound leadership at the foundation of our partnership for quality. At a time when much of the proprietary sector is under heightened scrutiny in both the media and various governmental agencies, that leadership is central to our continued recognition as a valid and reliable authority in the important role we serve together through accreditation.

    ACCET Nominating Committee
    David Wilson, Chair, Commission
    Steven Johnson, Vice Chair Commission
    Elizabeth Schaefer, Past Chair, Commission
    Michael Crom, Member Institution, Dale Carnegie & Associates
    Patrice Dionot, Member Institution, L’Academie de Cuisine
    Roger J. Williams, Executive Director (ex-officio)